Website Help

Adding (Uploading) New Video/Audio Media

New content is uploaded to the Planet eStream website using the Add Media Utility. Files are Uploaded, converted to a streaming media format (H264 Video + AAC Audio), and then published onto the system.

For help on adding media via mobile devices, please see the Mobile Upload Help Page.

See also: , Editing Playlists, Editing Slideshows, and creating a new recording from an extract of an existing recording by Editing Video.

Please note: Your upload may require approving by an Administrator before being made available online. See the Approving Help Page for more information.

This help page refers to Categories, however on your system Categories have been renamed to Departments.

How to Add New Media

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Create and then click Upload Video.
  • Click the icon in the centre of the screen and select the video/audio files to upload, or drag-and-drop the files onto the icon.
  • The Add Media Options dialogue will appear.
  • Enter a title and description for the items (optional). If no title is entered, the filename of each item will be used.
  • Select the Publishing Policy to be used.
  • Select if the recording should be Private.

    Public content can potentially be viewed by anyone, private content can only be viewed by yourself and administrators. The Private option may be disabled, dependant on your user account permissions and on the Publishing Policy that you have selected.

    Select the Categories that you would like to add the content to.

  • Confirm if the ERA Licencing Disclaimer should be shown to users viewing the media.

    Please see the ERA Licencing Help Page for more information.

  • Select the desired Media Profile - to set desired the video/audio quality.

  • Confirm if the source file is to be retained.

    If you choose to retain the original source file, the menu on the View Page will include a Download Source File option, where users can download the original, unconverted file.

  • Copy Only. If the Copy Only option is available to your user account, ticking this option will publish the file directly, bypassing the process of converting the file to a streaming media format. This option should only be selected for non-interlaced files with square pixels, H264 video, and/or AAC audio.

  • Click the Confirm button.
  • A list of the files pending upload will be shown.
  • The title of any item in the list can be adjusted.
  • To change the settings for individual items, click the appropriate cog icon.
  • To remove any item, click the appropriate dustbin icon.
  • To start uploading, click the Start Upload button.