Website Help

Editing SlideShows

SlideShows can be used to synchronise individual slides to a recording. For example, a lecturer may record and upload a presentation to Planet eStream. The lecturer can then upload the PowerPoint presentation used for the lecture and set each slide to be displayed at a specified time within the recording. The slideshow can then be viewed on Planet eStream alongside the recording.

This page contains information on editing Slideshows. For help on viewing Slideshows, please see the Viewing Slideshows Help Page.

Create New SlideShow

From the Planet eStream Homepage, search for the item to be edited.

Click on the title of the item to view the item.

From within the View Page, click the Edit Studio link.

Click Edit Slideshows.

To start creating a new SlideShow, click on the New button. This will open the Create new SlideShow dialog, enter a name for the SlideShow and click Create.

The new SlideShow will be created and ready to be populated with slides.

Adding Slides

To start adding slides to a SlideShow click on the Add Slides button. This will open the Upload Slides dialog.

To select content to upload, click the Select Files button to open a file selector. Multiple items can be uploaded at a time. Planet eStream allows the following types of files to be uploaded:

  • Still Images

    For example Jpegs, Bitmaps and PNGs

  • PowerPoint Presentations

    PowerPoint presentations will be uploaded and converted into a series of still slides.

  • Zip Files

    Zip files containing images can be uploaded, Planet eStream will extract the contents of the zip file, any files that are not compatible will be discarded.

Once files have been selected and are ready to be uploaded, click on the Upload button. Each item will then be uploaded, once complete you will be asked if you would like to upload more content.

Any items in the upload list that are not to be uploaded can be removed by clicking on the remove link for that item.

All new slides that have been added will not have a time set to be displayed.

Syncing Slides

Slides can be synchronised to the recording by one of the following methods.

Dragging the slide thumbnail from the list onto the edit timeline.

.. or by navigating to the point in the recording and clicking the Set Time button for the slide.

Slides that are synced and on the edit timeline can be dragged into new positions to re-sync.

Delete Slides

Slides can be deleted from the SlideShow by clicking on the [x] button for the required slide.

Save SlideShow

To save changes to the SlideShow click on the Save button.

Delete SlideShow

To delete a SlideShow click on the Delete button.

Preview SlideShow

To preview a SlideShow click on the Preview button.