Website Help


MyHome is your personal area within Planet eStream.

Within your MyHome area, you can:

  • View your Homepage.
  • Edit your Public Page.
  • Manage the media that you have added to the Planet eStream system.
  • Manage any content that you have submitted to be edited.
  • Manage any uploaded media conversions that you have pending on the Planet eStream system.
  • Manage your Favourites.
  • Manage your Recommended Items.
  • Manage your Subscriptions.
  • Change the Language of the Planet eStream interface.
  • Set the options available to you as a user.

Please note: The availability of each the above options is based on your user permissions.

This help page refers to Categories, however on your system Categories have been renamed to Departments.

Navigating to the MyHome Area

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Your personal homepage will load, showing details of any content that you have subscribed to.

Managing your Media

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Within the MyHome area, click the Media tab.

  • The Browse my mediapage will load, containing a Planet eStream Search bar. Search results returned by the search will comprise solely of items that you have added to the Planet eStream system. Performing an empty search with return all the content that you have added to the system.

    Please note: Certain content on the Planet eStream system may only be accessible from within your local area network. Where this rule applies to content that you own, that content will remain inaccessible to you from any other network location and may therefore not be shown in the search results.

  • Within the search results, you have the option to delete content, edit the categories that content is contained within, amend the metadata, and much more.

    Please see the Searching Help Page for more information.

Managing Your Edits

Editing Video is the process of physically removing or extracting portions of the video. For more information, please see the Editing Video Help Page.

To manage your Edits:

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Within the MyHome area, click the Media tab and then click the My Edits tab.

  • A list of your current/pending Edits will be displayed, together with a list of any previously failed Edits showing the reason for the failure.

  • To cancel a current/pending edit, click the cross icon adjacent to the item to be cancelled.

  • To retry a failed edit, click the retry icon adjacent to the item to be retried.

  • To delete a failed edit, click the dustbin icon adjacent to the item to be deleted.

Managing Your Uploaded Media Conversions

Video content added to the Planet eStream system is converted into a streaming media format before being made available online. For more information, please see the Adding Media Help Page.

To manage your Uploaded Media Conversions:

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Within the MyHome area, click the Media tab and then click the My Conversions tab.

  • A list of your current/pending Conversions Edits will be displayed, together with a list of any previously failed Conversions showing the reason for the failure.

  • To cancel a current/pending conversion, click the cross icon adjacent to the item to be cancelled.

  • To retry a failed conversion, click the retry icon adjacent to the item to be retried.

  • To delete a failed conversion, click the dustbin icon adjacent to the item to be deleted.

Managing Your Favourites

Any item on the Planet eStream system can be added to your Favourites.

To manage your Favourites:

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Within the MyHome area, click the Lists tab and then click the Favourites tab.

  • A list of your Favourites will be displayed.

  • Click on the title of any item to view the item.

  • Click on the dustbin icon adjacent to any item to remove item from your favourites.

Managing Your Recommended Items

When another user subscribes to you, they will see a mixture of your recommended items and any content that you have recently added to the system.

Please see the Recommended Items Help Page for more information.

To manage your Recommended Items:

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Within the MyHome area, click the Lists tab and then click the Recommended tab.

  • A list of your Recommended Items will be displayed.

  • Click on the title of any item to view the item.

  • Click on the dustbin icon adjacent to any item to remove item from your Recommended Items.

Managing Your Subscriptions

Subscribing to a user adds a panel to your Public Homepage that shows a mixture of any items recommended by the user and any content that the user has recently added to the system.

Categories can also be subscribed to, providing an easy way of keeping up-to-date with the latest items added to the Category.

Please see the Subscriptions Help Page for more information.

To manage your Subscriptions:

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Within the MyHome area, click the Lists tab and then click the Subscriptions tab.

  • A list of your Subscriptions will be displayed.

  • Click Hide from home page to prevent the item from showing on your Public Homepage.

  • Click on the dustbin icon adjacent to any item to remove item from your Subscriptions.

Managing Your User Options

Please note: that the options available to you as a user are based on your Planet eStream user permissions. Some or all of the options below may therefore not be available.

To manage your User Options:

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click your user icon at the top-right of the page and then click MyHome.

  • Within the MyHome area, click the Options tab.

  • Edit Public Page Layout

    Click the Edit Page Layout link to open the Page Layout Editor for your Public Homepage.

    Please see the Editing Page Layouts Help Page for more information.

  • Public Page Link

    The URL of your Public Page. The URL can be copied and pasted into your web-browser, and provided to other users as required.

  • Planet eStream Freeview EPG tour

    If you are a user of the Planet eStream Freeview TV Scheduler, click the link to toggle whether the introductory tour is shown when viewing the Planet eStream Electronic Programme Guide.