Website Help


Basic Searching

To perform a basic search of the Planet eStream system:

  • Enter one or more keywords in the Search Box on the Planet eStream Homepage and click Search.

Search Tip: Clicking the Search button without entering any search terms will show all records on the system, with the newest shown first.

Please note: You can also navigate the Planet eStream website using the latest Android and Apple iPhone/iPad devices, simply enter the URL of your Planet eStream Webserver in your mobile device.

This help page refers to Categories, however on your system Categories have been renamed to Departments.

Search Results

  • Click the title of any item to view the item.

  • Click the Toggle Lists icon adjacent to any search result to view any Chapters, Slideshows, or Related Media that the item may have.

  • Click Toggle Options icon adjacent to any search result to view the options for the item.

    Dependent on your permissions within Planet eStream, and the type of search result, the following options may be available:

  • Click the Toggle Categories icon adjacent to any search result to view the Categories in which the item resides (if any).

Search Options

The following options are available when searching from the Planet eStream Homepage:

  • Order By

    Select an item from the Order By list to order your search results by:

    • Relevance. By default, this option shows the most relevant content first.

    • Date. By default, this option shows the most recently added content first.

    • Duration. By default, this option shows the content with the longest duration first.

    • Popularity. By default, this option shows the most popular (most viewed) content first.

    • Rating. By default, this option shows the content with the highest average rating first.

    • Title. By default, this option shows the content alphabetically by title, from A - Z.

    • Title. By default, this option shows the content most recently viewed first.

  • Direction

    The Direction option works in conjunction with the Order By options above.

    The default direction is that shown as By default above. The default order is the most commonly used order.

    The Direction list is used to change the default order, either Ascending or Descending.

    For example, select Date from the Order By list, leave the Direction as Default and click Search. The results are shown in date order, with the newest shown first. If you would like to view the search results with the oldest records first, change the Direction from Default to Ascending and click Search.

  • Show Filters

    Please the Search Filters section below.

Search Filters

Search Filters are used to refine search results.

To apply search filters:

  • Click Show Filters when searching from the Planet eStream Homepage.

  • The following filters can be applied:

    • Media Types

      Tick each Media Type that should be included in the results.

    • Added Between

      Click the date-input boxes and select the required dates.

      The search results will only contain content added between the specified dates.

    • Duration

      Tick one of the options to restrict search results to items of the specified duration.

    • Within Categories

      Select one or more Categories to restrict search results to contents of the specified Categories only.

    • Metadata Filter

      Click the add link to create one or more Metadata Filters.

      Metadata Filters allow results to be restricted to keyword matches within specific Metadata fields.

    • Specific Filters - Audio Only

      Tick the option to restrict search results to audio files only.

    • Specific Filters - Search Photos

      Tick the option search the title and description of photos within Planet eStream Photosets.

    • Added By (Author)

      Enter the name of an individual to restrict results to content added by the specified user.

    • Subtitles

      Click Search Subtitles to open the Subtitles Searching Dialogue.

XML Search Results

To view search results in XML format:

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and perform a search.

  • Click the xml logoxml logo at the bottom of the search results. If no XML logo is visible then you do not have permission to view XML search results.