Website Help

Editing Categories

Categories are a powerful feature of the Planet eStream website. They are used to group similar/related content together, organising the content, and making navigation easier.

Please note: This help page refers to Categories however on your system Categories have been renamed to Departments.

This page contains information on editing Categories. For help on viewing Categories, please see the Viewing Categories Help Page.

How to Create a Category

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Tools and then click Categories Admin. This option is only present if you have the Categories Admin permission.
  • From within the Categories Admin page, click add a category.
  • Enter the name of the new Category and, optionally, a brief description.
  • Thumbnail - Click the set thumbnail link, the Upload Dialogue will appear.
  • Click the Browse button and locate an image to use as the thumbnail for the Category. Most image file formats are supported.
  • Click the Add button to add the thumbnail.
  • Featured Category - Tick the box if you would like the new Category to be featured. A featured Category is displayed on the main Categories page under the Featured Categories view option.
  • Sub-Category Setting - If the new Category is to be a sub-Category (e.g. The "Ladders" Category within the "Health & Safety" Category) then select the parent Category from the list.

    A Category can have any number of sub-Categories and sub-Categories can have their own sub-Categories, if required.

  • The Category has now been created and configured with basic settings. Click the Save / Update button at the bottom of the page.
  • For information on how to add content to the Category, please see below.

How to Automatically Add Items to a Category

  • Automatic Population lets you add items to a Category by keyword, and/or by Publishing Policy.
  • Please note: After saving your Automatic Population settings, it may a several minutes for the changes in the contents of the Category to be shown online.
  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Tools and then click Categories Admin. This option is only present if you have the Categories Admin permission.
  • From within the Categories Admin page, select the Category that you would like to configure from the list on the left.
  • Locate the Population Method section and the Criteria section, showing a list of Publishing Policies and an area to enter keywords.
  • Please note: To ensure that a Category contains only the items you require, negative keywords can be used. For example, if a Category should contain items relating to science but not to chemistry, the following keywords could be used: science, -chemistry
  • For clarity, here follows a list of Auto-Population scenarios, and how to achieve them:

    • How to Auto-Populate based on one or more keywords present in any field, and in any Publishing Policy.

      * This is the most common configuration.


      - Leave Method 1 selected, as above (Methods 1 & 2 only apply when selecting one or more Publishing Policies).

      - Leave all Publishing Policies un-ticked, as above.

      - Enter one or more comma separated keywords in the ANY FIELD textbox, as above.

      - Click the Save / Update button.

    • How to Auto-Populate based on one or more keywords present in the Title or Description, in any Publishing Policy.


      - Leave Method 1 selected, as above.

      - Leave all Publishing Policies un-ticked, as above.

      - Enter one or more comma separated keywords in the Title and Description textboxes.

      - Click the Save / Update button.

    • How to Auto-Populate based on one or more keywords present in the Title where the item is in the Local Content Publishing Policy.


      - Select Method 2 (see above).

      - Tick Local Content.

      - Enter one or more comma separated keywords in the Title textbox.

      - Click the Save / Update button.

    • How to Auto-Populate with ALL content from the Local Content Publishing Policy.


      - Leave Method 1 selected, as above.

      - Tick Local Content.

      - Ensure that there are no keywords entered.

      - Click the Save / Update button.

    • How to Auto-Populate with ALL content from the Local Content Publishing Policy AND content from any other Publishing Policy where that content has the word War in the title..


      - Leave Method 1 selected, as above.

      - Tick Local Content.

      - Enter the word War in the Title textbox.

      - Click the Save / Update button.

    Please note: If a keyword contains a space, it is treated as a phrase.
  • The Advanced Category Definition section allows content to be automatically added to a Category based on any information stored in the Planet eStream database. For example, a Category could contain all content added by a certain user, or all content added between two dates. If you have need for an Advanced SQL Definition then please contact Planet eStream support to discuss your specific requirements.

    Please note: Any incorrect syntax entered into the Advanced Category Definition text-box will stop ALL dynamic Categories from updating - please use with caution.

How to Manually Add or Exclude Items from a Category

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the item that you would like to add to, or remove from, a Category.
  • Click the cog icon adjacent to any search result to open the options panel for the item. If the option is not present then you do not have the Categories Admin permission.
  • Within the menu, Click Categories.
  • To add the item to one or more Categories, click Add to Category.


    If the item has been automatically included in a Category (see Automatic Population, above), use click Exclude from Category remove the item from the Category, if required.

  • A list of Categories is displayed - tick the relevant Categories and then click the Confirm Category Selection button.