Website Help

Related Media

The Planet eStream Website allows users to upload files that relate to recordings stored on the system. For example, if the system contained a video of Romeo and Juliet, the video could have associated media added such as; a text file or pdf document containing a transcript of the play, a shortcut to the play's Wikipedia page, audio files containing a narrative, or image files containing related artwork.

How to add Related Media

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the recording to which you would like to add the Related Media.

  • Click on the title of the item to view the item.

  • Within the View Page, click the Related Media tab, then click add file.

    Please note: If there is no add file option present then you do not have permission to add Related Media.

  • Click Select Files and select the files to upload.

  • Repeat the above process until all the required files have been added.

  • Click Upload.

    Once the files have uploaded, you will be prompted if you would like to add more items. Click Cancel.

How to Edit or Delete Related Media

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the recording containing the Related Media that you would like to edit.

  • Click on the title of the item to view the item.

  • Within the View Page, click on the Related Media tab.

  • To edit the title of an item, click on the pencil icon adjacent to the item to be edited, enter the revised title, and click Save.

  • To delete an item, click the dustbin icon adjacent to the item to be deleted.

How to Share Related Media

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the recording containing the Related Media that you would like to share.

  • Click on the title of the item to view the item.

  • Within the View Page, click on the Related Media tab.

  • Click the Share icon adjacent to the item to be shared.

    If there is no Share icon present then you do not have permission to share Related Media.

  • The Share options will appear.

    Please see the Sharing Help Page for more information.

How to Download/View Related Media

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the recording containing the Related Media that you would like to download.

  • Click on the title of the item to view the item.

  • Within the View Page, click on the Related Media tab.

  • Click on the thumbnail of any Related Media item to open the file.