Website Help

Editing Page Layouts

The layouts of the following pages on the Planet eStream website are customisable:

  • The Planet eStream Homepage

  • The Main Category Page and Each Category's Page

  • A User's Public Page

Users with the Edit All Layouts permission can edit any layout.

Users with the Edit Own Layouts permission can edit the layout of their Public Page and the layout of the page for any Category that they can administer.

This help page refers to Categories, however on your system Categories have been renamed to Departments.

How to Change the Current Layout - Your Public Page

Your Public Page is your publically available page within the Planet eStream system.

Please note: that the ability to edit your Public Page is based on your Planet eStream user permissions. The options below may therefore not be available.

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, select your user icon at the top-right of the page and click MyHome.

  • From within the MyHome area, click the Options tab.

  • Click the Edit Page Layout link to open the Page Layout Editor for your Public Page.

  • Follow the steps detailed in How to Create or Edit a Layout, below.

How to Change the Current Layout - The Planet eStream Homepage

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage

  • After the page loads, an Edit Layout link will appear at the top-right. If the link is not present then you do not have permission to edit the Layout of the Planet eStream Homepage.

  • Click Edit Layout.

  • Select a Layout from the list.

  • Click Settings.

  • Tick Set as default Homepage layout.

  • Click Apply.

  • Click Close to close the Layout Editor.

  • For details of how to create or edit a Layout, please see How to Create or Edit a Layout below.

How to Change the Current Layout - The Main Category Page

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Categories.

  • After the page loads, an Edit Layout link will appear at the top-right. If the link is not present then you do not have permission to edit the main Category Page layout.

  • Click Edit Layout.

  • Select a Layout from the list.

  • Click Settings.

  • Tick Set as Categories page layout.

  • Click Apply.

  • Click Close to close the Layout Editor.

  • For details of how to create or edit a Layout, please see How to Create or Edit a Layout below.

How to Set the Default Layout for All Category Pages

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Categories.

  • After the page loads, an Edit Layout link will appear at the top-right. If the link is not present then you do not have permission to set the default Layout for all Category Pages.

  • Click Edit Layout.

  • Select a Layout from the list.

  • Click Settings.

  • Tick Set as default Category page layout.

  • Click Apply.

  • Click Close to close the Layout Editor.

  • For details of how to create or edit a Layout, please see How to Create or Edit a Layout below.

How to Change the Current Layout - Each Category's Page

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Categories and navigate to the Category to which the layout should apply.

  • After the page loads, an Edit Layout link will appear at the top-right. If the link is not present then you do not have permission to edit the Layout for the Category.

  • Click Edit Layout.

  • A confirmation message will appear, asking if a new Layout should be created specifically for the Category. Click OK.

  • A Layout is automatically created.

  • Follow the steps detailed in How to Create or Edit a Layout, below.

How Create or Edit a Layout

  • Use one of the methods above to navigate to the Layout Editor.

  • To edit an existing Layout, select the Layout from the list.


    To create a new Layout, select New Layout from the list.

  • To change the name of the layout, click Settings, enter a new name, then click Apply.

  • To edit the Page Header Settings, click the pencil icon within the Page Header, as shown below.

  • The Page Header Settings are:

    • Disable (hide) the Page Header

      Un-tick Enable to disable (hide) the page Header.

    • Edit the Header Text

      Replace or edit the text shown in the Header.

    • Set a Background Image for the Header

      Click Upload and select a jpeg image file to use as the background for the Header.

      If required, click Clear to remove the current background image.

    • Set your User Image Icon

      Click Upload and select a png image file to use as your user icon image.

      If required, click Clear to remove the current user icon image.

    Click the Apply button to save the Page Header Settings.

  • To add Widgets to the page, please see How to Add a Widget to a Layout, below.

  • Click the Save button to save the Layout.

  • Click the Close button to close the Layout Editor.

How Add a Widget to a Layout or Edit a Widget

A widget is a configurable object that can be added to a Layout and also embedded into other resources such as VLEs, etc.

Widgets contain thumbnails and details of selected items from the Planet eStream system.

  • Follow the steps detailed in How Create or Edit a Layout, above.

  • From within the Page Layout editor:

    To add a new Widget, click the Add Widget button.

    To edit an existing Widget, click the pencil icon in the centre of any widget on the Layout.

  • The Widget Editor will load.

  • Click on a Widget type:

    • Title Grid

      A static Grid containing two rows of thumbnails.

    • Slider

      A dynamic Grid containing showing one item at-a-time.

    • Carousel

      A dynamic Grid containing one row of thumbnails at-a-time.

  • Set the Data Source for the Grid:

    • Site Wide

      The Grid will contain a range of items selected from all the items on the Planet eStream system.

    • Keyword Search (Site Wide)

      The Grid will contain items returned from a search for the specified keywords.

    • Category

      The Grid will contain items from a specified Category.

    • User

      The Grid will contain items added by a specified User.

    • Playlist

      The Grid will contain items from the specified Playlist.

  • Set the Data Settings for the grid:

    • Search Keywords

      If Keyword Search has been selected as the Data Source, enter one or more keywords.

    • Category

      If Category has been selected as the Data Source, select a Category.

    • User

      If User has been selected as the Data Source, click the Select User button to select a user.

    • Playlist

      If Playlist has been selected as the Data Source, select a playlist from the list.

    • Order Content By

      Select the order in which items in the Grid should be displayed.

  • Click the Save button to close the Widget Editor.

  • Click the Save button to save the Layout.

  • Click the Close button to close the Layout Editor.

How Embed a Widget in an External Site

  • Follow the steps detailed in How Create or Edit a Layout, above.

  • From within the Page Layout editor, click the embed icon contained within any widget on the page.

  • Copy the Widget Embed Code provided to your clipboard and paste the embed code into the desired location.

How Delete a Widget

  • Follow the steps detailed in How Create or Edit a Layout, above.

  • From within the Page Layout editor, click the dustbin icon contained within any widget on the page.

  • Click OK when prompted to confirm that the Widget should be deleted.

  • Click the Save button to save the Layout.

  • Click the Close button to close the Layout Editor.