Website Help


All content on the Planet eStream system has an owner. Where a user owns an item, they automatically have rights to search for, edit and delete the item, regardless of any underlying permissions or restrictions that may apply.

Please note: Certain content on the Planet eStream system may only be accessible from within your local area network. Where this rule applies to content that you own, that content will remain inaccessible to you from any other network location.

How to take Ownership of an Item

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the item that you would like to own.

  • Click on the title of the item to view the item.

  • From within the View Page, click Edit Details within the Details tab.

    Please note: Depending on the layout of the page, the Edit Details option may be within More menu.

    If the option is not available then you do not have permission to change the ownership of the item.

  • Within the Settings area, click the Change Owner list and select Make me the owner.

  • Click Save.