Website Help

Comments / Notes

Any user with permission can add comments to recordings, Playlists, live broadcasts and Photosets within the Planet eStream system.

Notes are similar to comments except that Notes are private and cannot be viewed by any other user. Please note that Notes are only available to non-anonymous users of the Planet eStream website that have been granted access to the feature.

Comments can include HTML

To include a URL in a comment, following syntax can be used:
[url=]Visit This URL[/url]

How to Comment

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and Search for the content that you would like to comment on.

  • Click the title of the item to view the item.

  • The comments section is located at the bottom-left of the View Page.

  • Enter a new comment or, if you are replying to an earlier comment, click reply and enter your reply.

  • Press the enter key on your keyboard or click the submit icon to add the comment.
  • Your comment is now added to the list of comments.

    The position in the video/audio playback at which you added the comment is recorded. When a user clicks the Jump link, the video/audio playback will jump to the relevant position.

    Please note: The Jump functionality does not apply to Playlists .