Website Help

Viewing Live TV

Watch Live TV using a standard web-browser on your Planet eStream system!

Users with permission can choose from a selection of channels chosen by your Planet eStream system administrators and watch them, live!

Please note: The Planet eStream Freeview TV Module is required for Live TV to be available on your system.

If you are a system Administrator and would like more information on how to make Live TV available on your Planet eStream system then please see How to Add or Edit a Channel in the Freeview : Map Channels Help Page.

How to View Live TV

  • To watch Live TV, your browser must have a special video player plugin installed.

    The most popular plugin is presently Video Lan Client (VLC).

    Please note: If you already have an installation of VLC on your system, VLC may not have been installed with the Browser Plugin option selected. Please see below.

    • Search the internet for download vlc.

    • Choose the version appropriate to your platform (Windows / Linux / Apple MacIntosh).

    • Download and install the VLC package.

      Important: During the installation of VLC, ensure that the browser plug-in option(s) are selected, as below.

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click View and then click Live TV. If the Live TV option is not present then you do not have permission to view Live TV.

  • You are taken to the Live TV page. Select a channel from the list to view the channel, live.