Website Help

The Media Player

The Planet eStream Media Player is a fully featured, dynamically resizable video and audio playback component.

The Media Player Explained

  • Click the Play / Pause button to play or pause the playback.

  • Click the speaker icon to mute and un-mute the audio.

  • Click the Full Screen icon to view the video in full screen mode.

    Once in full screen mode, press the Escape Key on your keyboard to return to normal mode.

  • Click the View Large Player icon to maximise the player within the space available.

    Click the icon when maximised to return the player to the default size.

  • Click any point on the timeline to seek within the video.

The Keyboard Controls

  • Press the left arrow key on your keyboard to jump back 30 seconds.

  • Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to jump forwards 30 seconds.

  • Press the down arrow key on your keyboard to jump back to the beginning.

  • The middle row of keys on your keyboard (from A to L) can be used to skip backward and forwards in the video. Use the keys A to G to skip backwards by varying amounts, and use the keys H to L to skip forwards.

How to Embed the Player in Other Websites